This came across my inbox today from Jim Quanci, Director of the Autodesk Developer Network. If you are a coder interested in learning about our various product APIs - or aspire to be one, these dev camps are a great way to dive in head first. I may stop by since I am clearly in the "aspirational" camp!
Join us at Camp this Summer!
Announcing Autodesk AEC DevCamp (June 6-7)
Register by April 30th to get the $100 early bird discount!
DevCamps are held every other year where software developers like you can learn to get the most from your time and effort working with Autodesk platform technologies. The two industry specific Developer Camps include several tracks catering to the learning needs of beginner and expert software developers – as well as a business track for start-ups looking to develop and leverage their relationship with Autodesk. Come to Camp and get two days of face to face learning and help from Autodesk software engineers – the same Autodesk software engineers developing and supporting the Autodesk technology you work with every day.
You can also join us for a third day at “DevLab” where you can work on your hardest coding challenges with an Autodesk software engineer looking over your shoulder giving you immediate help and advice. Bring your laptop and work on your code as you’d normally do in your own office – the difference is that you have a team of DevTech experts (the same people who answer your questions through DevHelp Online) available to review your code if you’d like, answer your questions, and make suggestions.
Cloud and Mobile Classes
New for this year’s DevCamps are several classes on helping you get started developing apps based on Cloud and Mobile technologies. Learn how to build your first Cloud app integrated with your favorite Autodesk product – and how you can make it available “everywhere” through browser and mobile user interfaces. Have you been considering building your first app for the iPhone, iPad or Android device but holding back because of fear of lost hours thrashing while learning the new technology? DevCamp includes classes that will show you how to quickly and easily create your first “Hello World” app for iOS and Android - with a design and graphics twist.
AEC DevCamp, June 6-7 (outside of Boston)
You can attend beginner and expert classes on developing solutions with Autodesk® Revit® (all flavors including Server), AutoCAD® Civil 3D®, Autodesk® Infrastructure Map Server, Autodesk® Vault, Autodesk BIM 360, Autodesk Project Vasari, Autodesk® Green Building Studio®, Autodesk® Navisworks®, and several more Autodesk AEC technologies. Hear from Autodesk’s AEC Leadership including Vice President Jim Lynch. Learn firsthand about developing a new Cloud based business leveraging Autodesk technologies from the Co-Founder of Horizontal Systems (recently acquired by Autodesk) Jordan Brandt.
Complete list of classes being offered at AEC DevCamp found here.
Register to attend the AEC DevCamp here.
Optional AEC DevLab, June 8, requires a separate registration here
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