In Revit Sundial's What's New, you may have noticed this entry...
- Perspective views: Certain modeling capabilities are now available in perspective views: (See Work in a Perspective View.)
- Editing tools: Move, Align, Pin, Unpin.
- Reset Target tool: Restores the position of the camera target to the center of the field of view.
- Toggle between the perspective and parallel representations of the 3D view.
Editing in perspective views has long been a customer request, so when I asked about it among the old-time Reviteers, most reactions were something like...
"Well, no one ever really tested it. We could try turning it on and see what breaks."
So, it turned out a number of things broke, which is maybe why we haven't just tossed it off sooner than this. A number of issues that turned up are fixable, but not immediately.
What Sundial has is what didn't break or was easily fixable. It could be possible to do more on this in the future. Interesting? Vital? Boring because you use 3DS Max for important visualization anyway?
Try it out and let us know!
1. The toggle between Perspective and Parallel was not all that discoverable. I had to look at the help to find out how.
I'm quite surprised the 'Perspective' checkbox in the Properties won't allow this, which is the first place I looked.
2. I'm not much for wanting to modify elements in a Perspective. But I would like to do other tasks like;
- Select an element and then Edit Family.
- Run tools from the Add-Ins tab.
Posted by: Chad | August 07, 2014 at 05:25 PM
how... do you toggle perspective/orthogonal?
Posted by: andrew | August 09, 2014 at 11:14 AM
I don't quite know what is the size of projects you are testing Revit betas but please, consider changing the performance in a notable way.We are a construction company and we have over 40 BDSP licenses 2013 to 2015 and the biggest headache is click and wait to REGENERATE.Yes, we use optimized workflows.
Posted by: Arsen | August 10, 2014 at 05:14 AM
More editing capabilities in camera views is great, but the real game changer would be to be able to disable the crop region. Then we could move around freely (as in Navis Works for example)
Probably not an easy thing to do, but it would be a much more natural way to inspect relationships between building elements.
Posted by: Andy Milburn | August 11, 2014 at 10:25 AM
Hi folks.
Thanks for the suggestions, which I've been forwarding on to the development team for consideration.
Andrew, see above where Chad had the same comment -- evidently the controls aren't that discoverable, so please check out the help topic.
Arsen, we have test models up into the extreme range of 1GB+ in size -- we've invested a lot in performance for this preview, which some commenters have noticed. Hopefully, if you get the chance to try some of these enhancements on your own models in the future, you'll see some improvements in the speed of some common interactions.
Posted by: Anthony Hauck | August 12, 2014 at 08:32 AM
For reference: to toggle to the parallel 3D view from the perspective view, on the ViewCube menu, click Toggle to Parallel 3D.
Posted by: andrew | August 13, 2014 at 01:09 PM